Médaillé de Bronze en Robotique pour Équipe Canada au Mondial des Métiers à Sao Paulo au Brésil. Bravo à Zachary Larose et Maxime Marineau
Meet Canada's Mobile Robotics Team from Hearst, Ontario
Zachary Larose has been part of the robotics program for the last 2 years at École Secondaire Catholique de Hearst His programming and troubleshooting skills will help is team achieve great results at World's Skills in Sao Paulo Brazil.
Maxime Marineau has spent 5 years at École Secondaire Catholique de Hearst in which he participated in 4 robotics OTSC competition. He was the driver and the leader of the team winning 3 Gold and 1 Bronze. He also participated in 3 Nationals winning 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze.
1 Product - 3 Clients
2 Products - 3 Clients
3 Products - 3 Clients
Team Canada's Mobile Robotics - Sao Paolo, Brazil
Dutch World Skills in Gorinchem, Netherlands
April 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th 2015
We attended the Dutch World Skills preparation Competition in Gorinchem, Netherlands. We faced off against Japan, Netherlands and Singapore. Although Japan ran away with first place, we are proud to say we finished 2nd in front of Singapore and the Netherlands.
Team Canada's Mobile Robotics - Gorinchem, Netherlands
Skills National in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
June 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th 2015
Maxime Bouffard médaillé de Bronze national en Mécanique de véhicules léger et d’équipement.
Maxime Bouffard National Bronze medal winner in Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment
Team Ontario - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Skills Provincial in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
April 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th 2015
Maxime Bouffard médaillé d'Or en mécanique de petits moteurs en compagnie de Jonatan Pelletier médaillé d'Argent en soudure. Nous tenons à remercier nos commanditaires et partenaires en éducation. Lecours Lumber, Hearst Co-op, Castle Builders, la Caisse Populaire de Hearst, le Club Rotary de Hearst, les HOGS, le Tournois des 2 Glaces, Strategik, Colombia Forest Products, Jean's Diesel, Lebel Chain Saw, Villeneuve Construction et CPM Rental.
Maxime l'Or en petits moteurs et Jonatan l'Argent en soudure.
Team ESCH Hearst - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada